Executive Committee Members 

Please find the 2019-2020 Buffalo Teachers Federation Executive Committee below. The members of the BTF Executive Committee shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, the retiring President, Ex-Officio, and twenty-three members comprised of teachers in Pre-K – 6, Elementary, Secondary, PreK-12 and At-Large areas.


Vice President     
  Rich Nigro
Melinda MacPherson Sullivan
Mark Mecca                        
Joseph Montante              

Pre K - 6

  April Hall   Rachel Lis    Kim Parzymieso
  Tara Rosa
  School #80   School #65    School #45   School #27  
  Janine Schuster                
  Chris Stephens
  School #6   School #95          


  Thomas Anthony
  Dennis Brancato
  Sam Fritz
  Mike Jeffers
  School #335   School #79   School #3   School #131  
  Richard Pyszczek
  M. Sue Raichilson
  Eve Shippens
  School #400   School #208
  School #309      

Pre K - 12

  Desiree Breckenridge Barnes   Melinda Cuviello   Amy Flynn   Mel Holden  
  School #42   School #37   School #79   School #195  
  Karen Kane   Ellen Malone   Gregory Sawicki      
  School #210@12   School #46   School #95      


  Michael Mecca   Brian Meyer
  David Stephens
  School #197@39   School #910   School #273